Winter Hours: Monday - Saturday 10am - 6pm

Soil - Succulent Gritty Mix

Regular price $19.99

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Sol Soils offers a variety of high-quality, gritty mix soils, soil amendments, and decorative soil toppers designed for the full spectrum of potted plants that may be in your collection. They select and hand-mix the best ingredients to produce fast draining soils that help protect against root rot, the number one killer of indoor plants.

Succulent Gritty Mix is ideal for a wide variety of succulents and other dry-weather plants. It contains more organic matter and retains more moisture/nutrients than standard cactus soil.

This mix utilizes recycled coconut chips and coir, an otherwise wasted byproduct of the coconut industry. Of the 50 million coconuts produced around the world each year, about 85% of the husks are discarded as trash.

2 Quart Bag

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